God Acts Through Anyone who says Yes to Him (Isa.7:10-14;8:10/Ps.40/Heb.10:4-10/Luke 1:26-38)
"And the angel said to her, do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And behold you shall conceive in your womb and bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus" Luke 1:30-31
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. It is the feast that shows us how the Good News of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ was brought to Mary by the Angel Gabriel and this news turned out to be the greatest news of all time. We also see in the story that our Blessed Mother after receiving the News simply said submitted herself as an instrument to be used by God for the singular purpose of bring salvation to sinful humanity.
The prophecy that was made in the old dispensation through Isaiah came to fulfilment in the new testament as we have in the gospel when our Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary said yes to the message of the Angel Gabriel.
She accepted that God's will be done in her life and her obedience to God made our Lord Jesus Christ to be born to us and He brought salvation to us.
The example that our Mother Mary has given us is one that we must cherish deeply in our heart and allow it to be our guiding principle in practicing our spirituality. We must always strive to say Yes to God at all times and in all places and by so doing we will fulfil God's purpose for our existence.
God is ready and willing to make use of anyone so long as we are ready to say yes to Him. It doesn't matter our colour, language, height and weakness, so long as we make ourselves available to Him, He will use us for His own good.
Let us then be open to God's will in our life always. Let us have confidence in God's plan for us. There can be no better plan in the world than God's plan for us. Hence we have to make ourself available for God to use for His will at all times.
Let Us Pray: Lord God thank you for the incarnation of your Son. Like the Blessed Mother and I am ready to be part of your will and plan. Let your will be done in my life always. I am available dear Lord, please use me for whatever you will. Amen