Take The scroll And Eat (Revelation 10:8-11/Ps.119/ Luke 19:45-48)
When a person is physically hungry, he seeks for food in order to quench his hunger, but when it is a spiritual hunger, the person will also meed a spiritual food and the spiritual food that quenches our spiritual hunger is the Word of God.
This is the scenario we have in the first reading of rhis morning as we continue to read from rhe book of revelation. John heard a voice from heaven that told him to take the scroll and eat. He ate it and it was sweet in his mouth, but bitter in his stomach. This was a similar experience that Ezekiel the prophet had in (Ezekiel 3:1,3). He was told to eat the scroll and he ate it. This act of taking the scroll and eating it symbolises the eating of the word of God or the message of God by the messenger who has been chosen by God as a channel and means through which His message will be brought to His people. It means that the messenger of God has to take God's message into his very life so that he will be able to prophesy to the people.
We must eat the scroll if we are going to be God's messengers in this life. We must let our life be filled with His word everyday. We must read and meditate upon the Word day and night and in the power of the Word we will be able to deliver God's instruction to the people. If we do not know the Word and we do not have the Word we will not be able to speak about the Word (Jesus Christ our Lord).
When we eat the Word it should be sweet in our mouth as stated in the Psalms 219:103 'how sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth'. The Word of God is sweet and bitter at the same time in the mouth of the prophet, because it is the Truth. We say Truth is bitter. The one who is told the truth may not be comfortable with it at the initial time, but eventually the truth will set him free. The message of God is sweet because the messenger feels very privileged to be chosen by God for the work, but on the other hand he or she feels the burden and pain of foretelling something that is painful to the people.
Jesus in the gospel reading was zealous about His Father's house that He had to drive away from the temple those who have turned it into a place of buying and selling and a den of robbers. He said to them, 'my house shall be a house of prayer'. Jesus was not afraid to speak the truth to the people, because He is the Word and He is the truth. He was not afraid to step on toes in the course of doing the right thing. He troubled them and chased them away so that the sacredness of the Lord's temple could be restored.
We could look into our places of worship these days and we can say vividly that Jesus could be doing the same thing He did so many years ago, because of what we have turned the Church to be. Sometimes the time spent in talking about money and strategies set on how to get the money takes priority over the proclamation of the message or the Word of God. The Church is now so noisy that even people who go to commune with God are most times distracted, instead of being helped to encounter divinity. In most Churches today we see Pastors inviting comedians to come and perform so that the worshippers can feel good. That is not necessary, because if the Word of God is proclaimed as it should, it will make the people feel good and it will also challenge them in the conscience to stop whatever evil they are doing and choose the path of righteousness. We should always strive to maintain the sacredness and sanctity of our places of worship and make it a wonderful place where people will come and connect directly with heaven. We must sweep away everything that will not help people to connect with God. This goes for the physical church building and the temple of God which we are.
We must eat the scroll to be filled with the message that God would like us to deliver to His people. When we have eaten the scroll we shall become like Him whom we have eaten and we will be the Bible that people see and will desire to read, because we shall be like Christ to all people everywhere. Value the Word of God and read and meditate upon it everyday and your life and my life will never be the same anymore.
Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus, give me the grace to read and meditate upon your Word daily. May I have the zeal to carry your message everywhere and may it move people to come and follow your path. Amen