Jesus, Son Of David Have Mercy On Me (Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Ps.1.R.Rev.2:7/Luke 18:35-43)

When Jesus was passing by near Jericho a great crowd followed Him, the blind beggar sitting on the road side inquired what was happening, and when he was told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by He immediately cried out to Him, "Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me".

He cried out to Jesus for mercy because He recognised that Jeus has the power to show Him mercy. He must have heard a lot about what Jesus has been doing and when this opportunity of grace came to him, he never wanted to miss him for anything.

We must always be ready and at alert to recognise moments of grace that come to us each day so that we will be able to receive the blessings therein. Jesus is always passing by and if we do not cry out to Him and ask Him to come to our aid we may not be able to receive what we are seeking for.

The blind beggar against all odds continued to cry out until Jesus heard his voice in the midst of the crowd and invited Him to come over. He did not allow the rebuke of the crowd or their noise to silence his voice. When he was asked by Jesus what He wanted Him to do for him, he said,  'Lord let me receive my sight' and immediately jesus responded, 'receive your sight; Your faith has made you well' This shows that God is ever ready to respond to our plea for help and mercy which we have made in faith.

Whenever we make resolve to follow Christ we may encounter some obstacles and challenges as the blind beggar did in the crowd that was following Jesus, but we must never allow the obstacles to stop us from gaining access to the presence of the Lord. We must continue to push through faith in order to gain access into the presence of the Lord so as to be able to receive the blessings therein. In the presence of the Lord we have everything we need, but we must enter His presence with faith. Healing, mercy, peace, salvation, justice, deliverance e.t.c are all available in His presence and if we are in need of them we must approach him with faith.

The first reading of today from the book of revelation reminds us that we must go back to our first love when we used to do only the things that bring glory to God. We must repent and rise up from where we have fallen. Jesus is ready to show us mercy and forgive us and help us to stand firm again, but we must make effort to follow Him and do His will. We must sincerely seek Him everyday and invite Him into our lives. We must not allow anything to stop us from meeting with Jesus.

Many things in life can serve as an obstacle to stop us from following Jesus, but we must not let those things block us from receiving the blessings He has prepared for us.  We must continue to cry out to the Lord everyday so that He will make our faith stronger and help us to remain steadfast in whatever we do. The challenges to our faith experience and commitment to God are many but we must never allow those challenges to crush our resilience to hold unto God and to do His will.

Let Us Pray: Dear Lord, please hear my voice when I call to you and may the obstacles of life not stop me from doing your will always. Make my faith strong and raise me up from where I have fallen and show me your mercy.  Amen

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