Praying The Lord's Prayer (Sirach 48:1-14/Ps.97/Matt.6:7-15)

Prayer is a means and channel of communication between human beings and God. Through prayer we glorify God, ask him for mercy and make our needs known to Him. Therefore, if we are going to pray in a manner that will be heard by God, then we need to pray according to His will. Jesus in order to help His disciples taught them, that using many words in prayers which are empty phrases will not make them to be heard by God, instead, they should pray the 'Our Father' prayer.

The Lord's prayer is the best way we can pray and it is a prayer that is comprehensive and complete. However, when we pray it hurriedly without applying our minds and hearts in what we are praying, then something is wrong and we will be unable to receive the answers to our prayers.

The prayer begins with praise of the Father, acknowledging Him to be supreme in heaven and on earth. It asks that God's Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth. If we praise God and we do His will, we shall be like Him and the world will be a better place.

In the prayer we also ask the Lord for our daily bread. This is important, because if the Lord does not build the house in vain does its builders labour. Yes, the Lord will provide for us, but we must work hard and avoid idleness and laziness. We must do our part and then God will do His own part for us. The provision that God gives will always come handy and it will be the best because He knows what is good for us and what we need at any point in time.

We also ask for God's forgiveness, which is dependent on our readiness and disposition to forgive those who have offended us. Forgiveness is very important, because we offend God everyday and if God will forgive us when we come to Him and ask for forgiveness, we should also be ready to have a merciful heart and forgive those who may offend us. Forgiveness opens the door for our prayers to be answered, but unforgiveness closes it and prevents us from accessing the mercy of God.

Finally, in the prayer we ask God to deliver us from every evil. God sees all and knows all. He is the shield and help of those who trust in Him. He keeps us safe from every evil attack. He sets us free from every diabolical and demonic possessions. He breaks the yoke of evil upon our household and gives us total freedom from sin and evil.

The Lord's prayer is a comprehensive prayer that has everything in one package. It is a complete prayer and if Jesus taught this prayer to His disciples, then He has given us the best gift we need. The problem is not with the prayer, but with us, because sometimes we become so lazy even to pray and when we do pray, we pray badly and in the wrong way. We must begin to go back to the old days when we love prayer and love being in the presence of God, not to heap up empty phrases, but to commune with Him and pray to Him in the way that He has taught us. God is ever ready and willing to answer our prayers when we pray according to His will. We must love prayer and pray everyday, because it is our channel to commune with God and the greatest weapon we have as children of God to overcome the forces of evil.

Let Us Pray: Eternal Father, I come to you with a humble heart. Help me to pray well and may my prayers find favour in your sight. Amen.

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