By Their Fruits You Will Know Them (2 Kgs 22:8-13;23:1-3/Ps.119/Matt.7:15-20)

The warning that Jesus gave His disciples in the gospel reading of today, that, they should beware of false prophets, is because sometimes people are not what and who they claim to be. Such persons come to you in sheep clothings but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. To 'Beware' means to be careful in accepting and believing anything people say. You must test all spirits and make sure they are who they are of God before you will believe.

Jesus further makes it easier for us to understand who we are dealing with by telling us that we shall know people by the fruits they bear. Anyone who is born of God is expected to bear good fruits, but anyone who has sold his or her soul to the devil will definitely bear bad fruits. Therefore, since a sound tree cannot bear evil fruit nor a bad tree bear good fruit, we must choose where we want to belong. As true believers we must be ready to bear good fruits in words and in deeds so that people will see the face of Jesus Christ through us. We must shine out as the light of the world and we must be ready to teach others the right way. Being patient with people, leading them to pray, making them to trust in God and helping those in need are part of the Good fruits we must bear. We must work for peace among those who are having misunderstanding and we must make sacrifices for the sake of Christ and for the good of others.

To bear good fruits entails being like Jesus Christ at all times and in all places. We must run away from evil discussions. We must not keep evil companies and we must detest anything that will lead us into sin. We must not condone cheating and injustice. We must be charitable to the poor and the needy and the desire to live a holy life shall be paramount in our thoughts and consciousness all the time.

If we declare to belong to Christ, then, people should see the good fruits we bear and they will believe in Christ as well. We have no other choice,  but to bear good fruits since we are in Christ, otherwise we will be deceiving ourselves and others who may be looking up to us. Any tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. We must not wait to be thrown into the fire, before we will begin to bear good fruits. Opportunities to bear good fruits are everywhere around us and we must take hold of it in order to please God and to lead people in the right way. Do not be confused or be lead astray, because you will know the good ones by their fruits and also the bad ones by their fruits. You will also be known by the fruits you bear, therefore, bear good fruits always so that you will glorify God through your words and actions.

Let Us Pray: Heavenly Father help me to bear good fruits always so that through me many people will come to believe in you. Help me to love am authentic life devoid of falsehood, pretence and deception. Amen.

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