The Joy of The Lord is my Strength (Nehemiah 8:10)

In the course of living with my parents and growing under their watchful care, I observed that I am very happy and strong in the spirit when my parents are happy, but when they are sad or angry with me as a result of my behaviour or action; my spirit is very low. This is exactly what happens in our relationship with God. God created us to live for Him, to serve Him and to do His will here on earth. In fulfilling our role as God's children comes our joy and fulfillment. When we live well and do the right things God is happy with us and when God is happy with us we are strong and more than conquerors (Romans 8:37)

This day is sacred to the Lord. It should not be a day of sorrow and weeping, but a day of joy and peace. A day we shall share our food with those who do not have anything to eat. A day we shall look out for the poorest of the poor around us to put a smile on their face. A day we shall hear the word of God and feel the need to fulfill it at all times. A day we shall remember the goodness of the Lord in our lives and give praise to Him. A day we must be ready to go to the church to worship and honour Him who made us what we are. This is the day the Lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it. 

The people wept when the word of God was proclaimed to their hearing by Ezra, but when they understood the true meaning of the word that was proclaimed they rejoiced. God's mercy is proclaimed upon us this day. Let us aim for the things that will please and glorify the name of the Lord in our lives so that we can feel the power of His presence around us at all times.

Let us pray: Oh God, my strength comes from you and when you are happy with me I am strong. May your joy fill my soul this day and may what I do this day glorify your name. Amen

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