Forgive And You Will be forgiven (Daniel 3:2, 11-20/Psalm 25/ Matthew 18:21-35)

"You wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me; and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant as I had mercy on you" Matthew 18:32-33

Jesus teaches us a great deal about Forgiveness in the gospel reading of today, not just in words, but through his actions. As humans beings we offend God everyday and we in turn ask Him for forgiveness which He gives to us if our repentance is real and honest. However, when it comes to us showing the same forgiveness to others who offend us as we have received from the Lord, it becomes a difficult thing to do.

Forgiveness is the way to peace of mind and heart. Peter wanted to find out from Jesus how many times he will be offended and he retaliates, but Jesus response shows him that it is something we have to do everyday.

iIf we must follow the example of Jesus, there will be no limit to forgiveness. Therefore, if we desire forgiveness from God we must be ready to forgive others who offend us. As we offend God and we seek His forgiveness, we can offend our fellow human beings or they could offend us and we need to forgive.

When we forgive others we release ourselves from bondage but when we refuse to forgive them we tie ourselves with a chord of unhappiness. When Christ was dying in the cross He prayed to the Father to forgive those who crucified Him, thereby obtaining forgiveness for them even before they asked for it. If we must be happy in this life and be able to make it to eternal life we must have a forgiving heart and spirit. We must learn to do unto others what we would like be done to us. Therefore, our rule of life should always be, what we want God to do for us we must be willing and ready to do to others.

Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, help me to forgive others who offend me so that I will receive forgiveness from God for the sins I have committed. Amen

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