Leadership By Example (Isaiah 1:10,16-20/Psalm 50/Matthew 23:1-12 )

In the gospel reading of today we hear Jesus speak to his disciples about the need to be different from the likes of the Pharisees and Scribes, because they tend to teach so much about what the laws states and what the people are expected to do, but they find it very difficult to practise what they preach.

With this statement, Jesus is invariably advising all of us who belong to Him that we must strive to be Christians who will lead by example. It means that as we proclaim the Good News we must also strive to show others who look up to us through our actions that we do the things we ask them to do.

Jesus laid an example for us to follow. When He talks about feeding the hungry, He feeds the hungry, when He teaches about healing the sick, He heals the sick, when He talks about being humble, He has already shown us what it means to be humble by coming to take the form of a servant and dying for us on the cross of calvary.

He is a good guide and inspiration for us and as such we must follow His example and we should strive to lead by example. We must do the things we tell others to do. Infact,  we will win more souls for God when our action corresponds to the word of our mouth. If you teach people eloquently about prayer, you must show them through your lifestyle that you love prayer too and believe in its power, if not, it will amount to living a life of hypocrisy, where say one thing and do another.

We need leaders who will lead us by their examples, because action they say,  speaks louder than voice. If what we say does not rhyme with what we do we will be leading people astray and it will not help us to win souls for Christ.

This season of Lent is a time to grow in grace by doing what is right and leading people aright. We must lead others well by example  and the more we do it by practicing what we preach we will be able to win more souls for Christ and lead them in the right path.

Let Us Pray: Lord Jesus Christ, give me the grace to follow your example and lead others in the right path so that I will win more souls into your kingdom. Amen.

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