Solemnity Of The Ascension Of The Lord (Acts.1:1-11/Ps.47/Eph.1:17-23/Lk.24:46-53)

The feast of today commemorates Jesus Christ's return to heaven forty days after His resurrection. This feast marks and celebrates the end or completion of Jesus' earthly work and the day on which Jesus in His glorified body, took His seat at the right hand of God.

In the Scriptures we find evidences of many ancient holy people who were said to have been taken up into heaven, like Enoch (Gen.5:24), Elijah (2Kgs.2:1-14), Ezra, Baruch and Moses. Over time ascension to heaven came to be expected of every holy person that dies. It indicates and shows divine approval of them as well as their ascension to heavenly power.

This feast shows us that our life here on earth will come to an end one day and we must return back to our creator to give account and receive our reward according to our deeds. Jesus was glorified and given a place  at the right hand of His Father. if we are to be rewarded and glorified as Christ was, then we must live well and work well according to the commandments of God. We must be ready to follow the way of Christ which most times involves some level of sacrifices and suffering.

By His ascension Jesus Christ shows His supremacy over creation and over the forces of the earth. Just as the resurrection showed us the reality of Jesus' victory over death and made Jesus to be seen in the world as the Risen Christ, so the Ascension of Jesus to heaven is a reassurance to believers that Jesus is forever present with God and from the heavens He oversees the affairs of the world.

The Ascension Of Jesus also shows us that the Ascended Jesus continues to live among us, because He promised to be with His disciples till the end of time. If Jesus had not ascended, the Holy Spirit, the paraclete would not have come on  pentecost day, but His ascension paved way for the promise of the Father to be fulfilled.

Jesus ascended to the glory He originally had and He has given us the opportunity and power to continue His work here on earth with the view that if we do our work well we shall come to be with Him in heaven where He is at the end of our earthly existence. As the body of Christ we are called to be like Jesus at all times. preach the Good News of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and so on. We must be ready like Jesus to lead people into light and to help the poor among us. Through our words and action we must bring healing and succour to the sick and the down trodden among us. We must give hope to the hopeless and encourage the weak ones. As long as we profess Christ we must continue in the work that He did and by doing that we are preparing ourselves for our own reward of glory at the end of our life.

let us pray: Lord Jesus, as you ascended into heaven; give me the grace to be ready always to do your will here on earth so that I will be rewarded with heaven on the last day. Amen.

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